Definition and Origination of the Alumni Association

The Alumni association was formed in 2015 as a registered not-for-profit Trust that is focused on :

• Assisting the future CA with their academic journey through mentorship and financial [bursary] means as they are registered under the tutelage of Chartered Accountants Academy.

• Assisting the future CA with professional [ career guidance ] above their academic qualification focus.

The association was formed by past students from the 2015 class – with cognizance of the existence of more alumni before the 2014/5 full time CTA classes.

Broadly speaking – the definition of an Alumni is – any candidate that went through the academic tutelage of the Chartered Accountants Academy in the pursuance of the Chartered Accountants qualification. Currently the Association is run by a team of volunteer alumni with administrative support being provided by the CAA team.

Breakdown of current Alumni Activities

• School Fees [ Bursary ] Fund : A fund focused on assisting students who have financial impediments to pursue their CA career.

• Mentorship Program : A program that pairs CTA students with qualified Chartered Accountants. This initiative has been noted to assist candidates greatly in the successful completion of this major exam of their career.

• Internships & Placements : Provision of paid/unpaid internships during semester breaks, to bridge the gap between foundational “theoretic” knowledge and practical experience in the industry of a Chartered Accountants. Placements after completion of programs.

Context and Definition of the Bursary Fund Track Record

The bursary fund was formed in 2015 in collaboration with the CAA Admin who handle the process of interviewing and awarding deserving students. An alumni representative is usually present in the interviews.

The intention of the bursary program was to accord deserving candidates along their CA journey. In principle, qualifying students :

• Have completed a degree ( or equivalent) in Accounting and are looking to further their studies to qualifying as a Chartered Accountant [ CTA – ITC- APC courses ].

• The students understand that the bursary funds the CTA program only.

• Indigence is a key factor that would need to be proven in the cases of potential students , together with a track record of successful completion of previous academic studies.

Track record :

• The bursary program has managed to fund 40 students to date.

• +90% of Graduates have been enrolled in TIP & TOP programmes.

Mentorship Program I Track Record

As stated – the program is meant to support the student / CA candidate through their academic and professional career.

• Since 2015 : +1,000 students have registered and passed their CTA exams.

• The program has been running since 2016.

• (We have enclosed testimonials of students that have gone through the mentorship program.)

• Also follow our LinkedIn page for more updates and communications through the link below: [ insert link ]

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