Mt Pleasant Campus, CAA Campus of the Future

Exciting progress is being made on the construction of CAA’s new Mt Pleasant campus! This ambitious project is rising to new heights, and it wouldn’t be possible without the unwavering support of our incredible partners.

First and foremost, we extend our deepest gratitude to our financiers who believe in our vision and have invested in this transformative endeavour. Their support is the backbone of our efforts, providing the necessary resources to turn our dreams into reality.

We also celebrate the dedication and hard work of our engineers. Their expertise and commitment are bringing the Mt Pleasant campus to life, brick by brick. Every day, they make significant strides, and their craftsmanship is shaping a state-of-the-art facility that we can all be proud of.

Additionally, we recognize and appreciate our alumni, current students, and partners. Your shared passion for a brighter future drives us forward. Your engagement and enthusiasm are vital, as we work together to create a hub of innovation and learning that will empower generations to come.

Join us in this incredible journey of shaping the future of education. Together, we are making a lasting impact and creating a legacy that will inspire and educate for years to come. Thank you for being a part of this monumental effort!

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